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HIOKI FT6041、FT6041-91 接地抵抗計

カテゴリー: タグ:

MÁY KIỂM TRA ĐẤT Có thể sử dụng tại hiện trường Hoạt động nhanh Chức năng đo lường mở rộng
Chức năng đo mở rộng: chọn phương pháp đo phù hợp cho bất kỳ ứng dụng nào
− Phương pháp 4 cực (phương pháp 4 cực của Wenner):
Đo điện trở suất của đất khi khảo sát thiết kế nối đất
− Phương pháp 3 cực:
Đo chính xác điện trở đất
− Chức năng MEC (Đo đất bằng kẹp):
Đo điện trở đất mà không cần ngắt kết nối điện cực nối đất
− Phương pháp 3 cực sử dụng phép đo 4 đầu cuối:
Đo giá trị điện trở đất của một vài ohm hoặc ít hơn
− Phương pháp 2 kẹp:
Đo điện trở đất tại nhiều điểm nối đất
− Đo điện trở thấp:
Kiểm tra tính liên tục sau khi đo điện trở đất
Số hiệu mẫu (Mã đơn hàng)
FT6041: FT6041 có phụ kiện đi kèm
FT6041-90: FT6041 có Z3210
FT6041-91: FT6041 có phụ kiện đi kèm, cũng bao gồm cảm biến kẹp FT9847 và CT9848
FT6041-92 KIT: FT6041-91 với Z3210

日置電機 日本 

Ground Resistance


Model: FT6041 / FT6041-91

What does “grounding” mean?

Grounding means making an electrical connection between an electrical device or a building and the earth underfoot. Properly grounding equipment and buildings helps ensure safety by preventing electric shock and related accidents. It also heps prevent the occurrence of har- monics, equipment malfunctions, power outages, and other issues with power supply quality. During installation and maintenance, it’s critical to make sure the ground resistance values of your grounding equipment conform to the values specified by applicable laws and standards

Pic.: HIOKI FT6041-91 EARTH TESTER Field-capable Fast-working Extensive measurement functionality


Extensive measurement functionality: choose the right measurement method for any application

− 4-pole method (Wenner’s 4-pole method):
Measure soil resistivity when surveying a grounding design

− 3-pole method:
Precisely measure ground resistance

− MEC (Measuring Earth with a Clamp) function:
Measure ground resistance without disconnecting ground electrodes

− 3-pole method using 4-terminal measurement:
Measure ground resistance values of several ohms or less

− 2-clamp method:
Measure grounding resistance at multiple grounds

− Low-resistance measurement:
Continuity test after ground resistance measurement

4-pole method

Measure soil resistivity when surveying a grounding design

Soil resistivity is measured as part of the grounding design process in advance of building design. Soil resistivity varies with each site’s geo- logical properties. In this process, optimal ground locations as well as grounding electrode shapes, dimensions, and other characteristics are designed based on the assessed soil resistivity.

MEC function

Measure ground resistance without disconnecting ground electrodes

This function augments the 3-pole method with current measure- ment using a clamp sensor. By measuring only current flowing to the grounding electrode you wish to measure, you can avoid the effects of other grounds. This capability can substantially reduce man-hours spent on measurement work.

モデル番号。 (注文コード)
FT6041 : FT6041 with included accessories
FT6041-90: FT6041 with Z3210
FT6041-91: FT6041 with included accessories, also includes clamp sensors FT9847 and CT9848
FT6041-92 KIT: FT6041-91 with Z3210

YouTube プレーヤー

HIOKI Earth Tester FT6041 | intro


Included accessories Auxiliary Earthing Rod L9840 (2 piece set) ×2, Measurement Cable L9845-31 ×1, Measurement Cable L9845-33 ×1, Measurement Cable L9845-52 ×1, Measurement Cable L9841 ×1, Test Lead L9787 ×1, Earth Nets Module L9846 ×2, Carrying Case C0208 ×1, Carrying Case C0209 ×1, Protector ×1, LR6 Alkaline battery ×4, Instruction manual ×1, Operating precautions ×1


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► 一定期間ご使用後は、弊社購入店にて再校正を行ってください。

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